Basic Policy on Personal Information
To provide you with services, Fuserashi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Fuserashi” or “we”) collects personal information. When doing so, we comply with the laws and ordinances of Japan that govern the collection of personal information and handle your personal information with great care.
Collection Methods
Fuserashi collects personal information using legitimate methods and does not use deceit or illicit means.
How Personal Information is Used
Fuserashi uses personal information within the scope necessary to carry out the below purposes.
If Fuserashi intends to use personal information for some other purpose, we do so only after obtaining consent.
- ・To respond to a request for an estimate or an inquiry, or to send materials
- ・To send products that have been ordered
- ・To provide information relating to seminars and other events as well as to products and services
Secure Management of Personal Information
Fuserashi takes appropriate measures as necessary to prevent personal information from being disclosed, lost or damaged and to otherwise securely manage the personal information.
Outsourcing of Personal Information
Fuserashi may outsource all or a part of the personal information processing to a third party. In that event, we perform a rigorous check on that third party and supervise the third party to ensure the personal information is securely managed.
Third Parties
Other than the outsourcing mentioned in section 4 above and when required by laws such as the Personal Information Protection Act, Fuserashi does not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining consent in advance.
Disclosure and Correction of Personal Information
If you request us to disclose the personal information of yours that we have, we will do so promptly. Disclosure will not be made if we cannot confirm your identity. If there is an error in your personal information and you request a correction, addition or deletion, we will promptly investigate your request and respond. We will not respond to the request, however, if we cannot confirm your identity.
Personal Information Manager
To ensure the proper care of personal information, Fuserashi has designated Nobuki Iwahara as the Personal Information Manager, and we implement improvements to our system on an on-going basis.
Policy Changes
This policy is subject to change. Unless provided otherwise, the policy provided on this Web site is the policy currently in effect.
Fuserashi may revise the above policies.
In the event of this, all revisions will be posted on this page.